Be Your Best VersionGreat and Thankful Tuesday!!! Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices for your Growth & Development? I have learned in my life...
Time WastedGreat and Thankful Monday!!! There are 24 hours in a day and every second counts. We have to be mindful of how we utilize our time and...
Trust GodGreat and Thankful Sunday!!! Do you ever wonder why God allows us to go through certain tests? Some of us are being challenged with...
Be Your Best SelfGreat and Thankful Friday!!!! Today is the day to let go of bad habits and start creating good habits. Each day that we rise in the...
Are you Addicted?Great and Thankful Thursday!! Cell phones, technology, and social media are great tools to stay connected but have we become addicts? I...
Warrior MindsetGreat and Thankful Wednesday!!! If you have not figured it out, life is hard! We have so much on our plates, from battling illness to...
Let Your Light Shine!!Great and Thankful Tuesday!!! It is important that we all try to spread light in a world with so much sadness and darkness. Each day...
Over-ThinkingGreat and Thankful Monday!!! Are you an over-thinker? God knows I am! There is nothing good that comes from overthinking. We can...
Stay HopefulGreat and Thankful Sunday!!! It is easy to lose hope when life is not going the way we intended. I have to constantly remind myself that...
Stay HopefulGreat and Thankful Sunday!!! It is easy to lose hope when life is not going the way we intended. I have to constantly remind myself that...